Two rooms S. Ambrogio
Opportunities investment with gain 5 - 7%
Lombardy > Milano > S. Ambrogio

This is our proposal of long-term investment real estate.
The property Two rooms S. Ambrogio it's a two-room located high commercial value near Catholic University and the area S. Ambrogio of Milano.
We acquired and completely transform, revaluing it with interventions renovation, furniture and equipment.
The house is for sale for investment costs € 340.000.
The revenue Recommended is the long-term (income generation), with the possibility of obtaining a annual gain of over the 5% generated rent.
With the formula of short term rentals the gain can climb over the 7%.
It is estimated the end of work within October 2018 and the property will be handed soon all'uso investment.
building features
Property area
We are in Via Ariberto a Milano, in an area with a good life quality and well served by transport and shops, close to 'Catholic University it's at 50 mt from the stop MM2 S. Ambrogio e M2 S. Agostino.
So we are in a location to high commercial value and to protect from devaluation real estate. The property is located within a context stately with service reception.
Property type
The project is to create three independent units from an original building of approximately 180 sq.m.. The two-room It will be of 55 sq.m. his two levels.
Here's the plan for the apartment: entrance, living room with large living area, kitchen to view, bathroom, sleeping loft with a bathroom for the exclusive use.
acquisition method
We acquired this apartment through a 'real estate auction as premises at office warehouse.
From the property originally (circa 180 sq.m.), with an operation of fractionation will get a apartment A3 of 55 sq.m. (1 vain + loft and mezzanine and 1 bathroom).
then will perform the d'use change in residential residential, with adaptation of plants under.
After that we will start an intervention of renovation e retraining total, to be followed by a job furnishings e kit.
The total estimated time for its complete realization, considering the acquisition, the restructuring and the sale (the investor who will put it to income) and of 14 months.
The delivery Property is estimated to ready October 2018.
Here are photo of the rendering Two rooms of the S design. Ambrogio.
Under each photo you can find the Description to better understand what we want to achieve.
It is in a zone with services, ad high commercial value, in which there is high demand for two and three, either by residence or for investment.
Will be delivered furnished and equipped, then soon all'uso, since it does not require any additional work (convenient especially for those investing in distance).
It is referred to as property income to be made that the investor can ensure gain of over the 5% (longer rentals) O more than 7% (short term rentals).
Selling price
The cost is € 340.000.
investment gain
The ideal profitable annuity is the long-term (income generation): could be rented in a short time as it is located in an attractive location, high residential value, adjacent to the 'Catholic University and zone S. Ambrogio from Milan.
The speculated price, according to a market research, and of 1.300 € per month net of service charges (ie an income of 15.600 € all’anno).
As a result you can aspire to an income of 4,6% on investment: 15.600×100/340.000 = 4,6%, again net of condo fees.
Whereas for the first 10 years you can use the fiscal detraction of the 50% on income tax income to break down the rate tax (20%), and thus do not bear the cost, the revenue It will be of 5,51%.
By adopting the formula of short term rentals one could hypothesize a revenue of the 7,30% (data derived from direct experience in the field of short term rentals).
Costs related to state taxes (IMU, tarsu, etc.) They are offset by the real estate value over time, Milan being a strong element of safety to that effect, especially in an area like this.
The data reported are "estimates". These assessments are based on our experience and on the many real estate transactions carried out during the years, so very true, but on which we can not guarantee a priori a mathematical certainty.
Contact O come visit to discuss investment details.
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