Are you looking for a solution to real estate foreclosure?

They have foreclosed home?

If you have received a deed of distraint you must know that unfortunately the your home it will come soon put up for auction by the court. Devi absolutely avoid that this happens! The court that will auction your house has no interest in solving your problems, but it only has the objective of paying creditors as quickly as possible.

Your house will come sold off at a great price lower of its real value and the money from the sale could even not enough a pay all the debts.

Your problems would not end even after losing your house because you would still be hounded by creditors. Here's why you have to fare something immediately e trovare una soluzione prima che sia troppo tardi!

It is not yet too late

Se stai leggendo queste parole è perché non ti sei rassegnato all’idea di lose the your home all’asta e stai cercando tutte le possibili solutions al tuo problema. Devi capire che se non hai i soldi per saldare il debito, vendere è davvero l’unica cosa da fare. Ma puoi farlo you prima che lo faccia il tribunale!

sure, non è facile rinunciare alla propria casa, ma se non la vendi prima tu, the court the venderà to a price stracciato, perderai comunque la casa e correrai seriamente il rischio di dover yet pagare dei debts.

Se invece vendi prima dell’asta puoi farlo alle tue conditions, ottenendo il massimo dalla sale e con la certezza di non avere more debts sulle spalle.

Ripartire si può

Hai capito bene: anche se il tuo immobile è pignorato, the legge ti permette ancora di venderlo prima che lo faccia il tribunale. Si tratta di trovare a buyer, prendere accordi with creditori, chiudere la procedura esecutiva ed annullare the distraint, prima che la casa venga venduta all’asta.

Noi possiamo aiutarti rapidamente e con la più assoluta discrezione in tutte queste operations. Ti liberiamo da ogni preoccupazione: gestiremo la tua posizione debitoria e tratteremo with creditori, vendendo l’immobile in modo da poterli soddisfare. Grazie a noi otterrai dei ricavi maggiori rispetto alle procedure ordinarie. Tornerai a vivere serenamente superando un problema che ora ti sembra irrisolvibile.

Ripartire si può. Insieme possiamo farlo nel migliore dei modi.

Cosa otterrai con la nostra soluzione:

  • Vendi casa senza svalutarla
  • Cancelli i tuoi debiti
  • Ricavi qualcosa per ripartire
  • Go back to living peacefully

Non aspettare che la situazione peggiori

CONTATTACI SUBITO o non potremo fare più nulla!




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    I had debts to the state and they foreclosed on my house. I didn't have the money to pay it off and I didn't really know what to do. I turned to Ventuno and they explained to me clearly and frankly that the only solution was to sell my house. At the beginning it was not at all easy to accept this idea, but thanks to their professional and human support I found the courage to do it. Solo così sono riuscita a cancellare i debiti e ottenere anche un po’ di liquidità per ricominciare la mia vita.
    - Claudia F.
    My family and I were having financial problems and I stopped paying the mortgage. I was convinced that with a small child they couldn't take my house away from me and as soon as I received the foreclosure deed my world collapsed on me. If I had known that by contacting Ventuno I would have saved my wife and son a lot of problems I would have done it immediately. When they intervened I was truly desperate but they brought me out of that terrible situation by giving me back hope and serenity.
    - Giuseppe S.
    I had no idea about the consequences of a foreclosure. When I discovered that even after the auction I could still have debts, I couldn't sleep at night. I felt like I was in a dead-end tunnel and I didn't even have the courage to talk about it with anyone, such was the shame. Having entrusted myself to Ventuno was the best choice I could have made, they took care of everything with tact and discretion, they canceled the debts and I was able to recover something to start again.
    - Tommaso R.

    Chiedici subito una consulenza GRATUITA!




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