Investire a Milano in totale sicurezza

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Be guided by those who know the craft

You can participate in many courses they teach you how to invest in real estate: They are often very interesting and informative but only apparently They will provide a good overview.

invested Much money to attend the meetings that explain the real estate investment secrets, but when you find yourself alone at put into practice what did they tell you everything is more complex and dangerous.

driving facts step by step by those who know the craft and so you prevent losing your money. Why risk your capital when you can do Real safe investments?

You know the risks to avoid mistakes

Real estate, in particular that of investment, It requires a 'extensive knowledge in different fields to be able to manage all phases beginning to end.

As an investor you have to face problems in the field legal, technical and bureaucratic and without the proper experience you can make a mistake at any stage of the investment.

You could even make mistakes in evaluating the operation itself, compromising irredeemably your invested capital.

Select property investment requires secure it years of experience: entrusting the task to integrally manage the operation we can offer you reliable results and guaranteed, often exceeding your expectations.

Invest in security

With us your capital are employed in real estate investments in Milan. Real estate investments are safe because they are coordinated by a Business Contract.

At the time of acquisition, indeed, i real estate are made payable to the lender - That is to you - and not to our society, to guarantee full serenity until the conclusion of the transaction.

Your capital are then managed only ever yourself but through a clear operational plan developed by us.

In some operations estate, Furthermore, you can avoid the costs necessary for the transformation of the property because we invest them directly. This allows you to use a smaller capital leaving us part of economic responsibility.

Solo i Fatti danno Credibilità alle parole

Bilo residence Investment opportunities with gain over 6%
property Kitchen Residence Bilo
Gain 6 %
investment range
100.000 - 200.000
Area 40 m2 430.56 ft2
Lead time 12 months
Type of annuity Long term
TRILOCALE S. AMBROGIO Opportunities investment with gain 5 - 7%
Gain 5 - 7 %
investment range
300.000 - 400.000
Area 85 m2 914.84 ft2
Lead time 14 months
Type of annuity Long term
Three Bilo in Venice Opportunities investment with gain 5 - 10%
Exterior view property Porta Venezia
Gain 5 - 10 %
investment range
400.000 - 500.000
Area 120 m2 1291.68 ft2
Lead time 12 months
Type of annuity Short term

Non commettere i miei stessi errori


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I nostri Punti di Forza

  • Il più basso livello di rischio mai visto
  • Pieno controllo dei tuoi fondi in tutte le fasi dell'investimento
  • Alta percentuale di guadagno
  • La migliore alternativa ai classici investimenti
  • Sei sempre proprietario delle tue garanzie dalla fase dell'acquisto alla vendita
  • Detrazione Fiscale


Abbiamo investito con Ventuno e ci siamo trovati molto bene perché siamo stati seguiti passo passo e abbiamo ottenuto un’ottima percentuale di guadagno. Abbiamo acquistato un appartamento a Milano e abbiamo guadagnato il 30% in 8 months.
- Cooperativa di investitori
Ho scelto di fare un investimento immobiliare a Milano e ho contattato l’azienda Ventuno S.r.l. I loro consulenti si sono dimostrati molto preparati e mi hanno affiancato in tutte le fasi. Grazie al loro aiuto ho guadagnato il 15% in just 12 months.
- Feng L.
Mi sono rivolta a Ventuno perché non riuscivo a vendere il mio appartamento a Milano e loro mi hanno proposto un’operazione immobiliare con frazionamento, ristrutturazione e rivendita. Così sono riuscita a vendere l’immobile e ottenere un guadagno del 10% in un anno.
- Annamaria M.

Chiedici subito una consulenza GRATUITA!

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